Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weblogic start up problem -The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated WebLogic domain was not built successfully.

If you notice below message while starting local weblogic application server from Jdeveloper, that means, after first time installation of Jdeveloper, you haven't properly configured weblogic application server for first time run

The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated WebLogic domain was not built successfully. 

Solution :  Look at below instllaed directory


and delete the most recently created config files from here, and start application server from Jdeveloper and enter correct user id, password and host name.. Wait till the domain creation process complete successfullly


  1. Thanks is very help..

  2. Hi Ravi, i tried with the solution given above after that also it is giving same error, can you help me out in this....?
