- Ensure Oracle Coherence is properly configured and working properly
Oracle Coherence Cache - Ensure coherence is enabled, this will reduce significantly performance impact. First time query to UCM get the content and stores in in-memory coherence cache, subsequent calls to UCM will be fetched from coherence cache rather than calling UCM
ADF Client State Token - This value controls the number of pages user can navigate to back without loosing the page state. To reduce the CPU and memory usage decrease this value in web.xml
JSP Page Time out - This value determines, how long JSP should stay in memory. This frees up resources in situations where some pages are called infrequently. Configure this value in web.xml
HTTP Session Timeout : This determines how long you want to keep the HTTPSession object alive, This value can be configured in web.xml. Higher the value lead to consume more CPU and memory. Configure this value based on nature of the user accessing your application. If users stays on the application for lesser amount of time, then reduce the value.
<session-timeout> 15 </session-timeout>
ADF View State Compression :
By setting 'false' to this ,all non-current view states are compressed before saving in memory, which reduces the heap usage. This value can be configured in web.xml<context-param>
<param-name> org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.COMPRESS_VIEW_STATE
<param-value> false </param-value>
MDS Cache Size : By default, MDS cache size is 100 MB, if you notice any error in logs such as JOC region is full, then increase this value to maximum in adf-config.xml
<cache-config> <max-size-kb>150000</max-size-kb> </cache-config>
MDS Purge Rate : This value will determine to remove older versions meta data automatically every hour. By default, this value is -1, that means no purge. Set the appropriate value based on nature of the application. This can be done by configuring adf-config.xml
<auto-purge seconds-to-live="3600"/>.
Optimizing Cache invalidation
Set Cache Invalidation Interval(Minutes) value to '0' , This can be done by editing Content Repository connection using Enterprise Manager
Follow below link to edit 'Content Repository Connection using EM' : http://fortunefusionminds.blogspot.com/2014/06/how-to-manage-content-repository.html
Set 'expiry-delay' to zero in 'content-coherence-cache-config.xml'
- Ensure to have below entry in 'httpd.conf' file in OHS
LoadModule deflate_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/mod_deflate.so"
- Reduce the image file size as much as possible. This will significantly improve the performance.
- Define linkCaching.properties file and have below two entries in it
- Edit the setDomainEnv.sh (both mserver & aserver) and append below entry at the end of this file
Ref : Oracle Webcenter Portal Performance Tuning Tips
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